Thursday 16 June 2016

This 13-Year-Old Just Shut Down Donald Trump With One Hilarious Joke

This little cutie, Lori Mae Hernandez, brought some clean but hilarious humor to Tuesday night’s episode of America’s Got Talent. And she really put a smile on everyone’s face with her joke about the one and only Donald Trump:

Lori started stand-up comedy three years ago to help give her father a reason to smile because he had Bell’s palsy.

She started her joke by sarcastically mentioning she turned down a huge babysitting gig to be on America’s Got Talent

…and didn’t really understand why any parent would want her to babysit their child because she was so damn young.

But she accepted the fact that some parents just didn’t give a damn and still trusted her to babysit.

But she accepted the fact that some parents just didn’t give a damn and still trusted her to babysit.

Because in reality, there’s only one reason why a 13-year-old might be qualified to be a decent babysitter:

She even made Simon laugh out loud, and we all know how he can be.

She even made Simon laugh out loud, and we all know how he can be.

How could you not laugh?! She compared asking a 13-year-old to babysit to asking someone who is always sick to be your doctor.

How could you not laugh?! She compared asking a 13-year-old to babysit to asking someone who is always sick to be your doctor.

OR someone who once hosted a reality show about business to be president.


This 13-Year-Old Just Shut Down Donald Trump With One Hilarious Joke

And she had the entire audience hollering!

This 13-Year-Old Just Shut Down Donald Trump With One Hilarious Joke

Drops mic. 

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